Meeting in the Middle
I Hadn't Considered That
Deprivation, Dysfunction, and New Year's Resolutions

Deprivation, Dysfunction, and New Year's Resolutions

New Year, Same Me.

Happy New Year! No, we’re not setting resolutions today. Or tomorrow. Or in 2024. We are here to level set our ideas about healthy habits and make sure we don’t do things like tank our mental well-being for our physical well-being.

Today, I’m talking about the dark side of resolutions and why bad things come from depriving ourselves and living in an all…

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Meeting in the Middle
I Hadn't Considered That
On her podcast, I Hadn’t Considered That, host Vanessa Torre shares unique and inspiring stories, combined with helpful and needed information, about life at middle age that will make you feel more connected to yourself and life in ways you hadn’t yet considered. Until now.